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The most comprehensive podcast about the relationship between humans and firearms on planet Earth.

Feb 29, 2024

In episode 1 of this series, Miyanovich and MarkO talk about the community-wide lack of action by libgunners, the unique opportunity for changing how guns are dealt with in America, working with the conservatives on gun issues, quantifying liberal gun ownership through professional polling, and Mark's experiences at...

Feb 25, 2024

In the final part of the series, Miyanovich and Johnson discuss: how it's illiberal to automatically bend the knee to American symbols, the Protect Illinois Communities Act, the realities of gun control, caring about kids, and the realities of the Clinton era Assault Weapons Ban with the Koper DOJ studies.

Feb 23, 2024

In Part 1 of this series, Miyanovich and Johnson discuss: Linwood getting into guns through self-defense, bringing nuance to issues, the effects of the pandemic and George Floyd protests on black gun ownership, starting off as an anti-gunner, inner-city violence, stereotypes, misinformation, the black community and...

Feb 17, 2024

In the final part of this series, Miyanovich and Bacon discuss: Josh's MILSURP roots, Rabbi Hillel and the K98, evolving from a Fudd to someone who understands the importance of modern arms and modern training, toxic patriots, church security, liberals needing to own and represent semi-auto rifles, the negative shit...

Feb 15, 2024

In Part 1 of this series, Miyanovich and Bacon lay down the riffs about: growing up hunting in Texas, deep Texas and stupid gun shit, Hippy Rednecks, Liberaltarians, actual liberalism, the complexity of the liberal gun owning reality, Kevin Bacon, Pennsylvania roots, the essence of cooking Dove, and invasive Californians.