Jun 28, 2023
In Part 2 of this series, Miyanovich and Pastor Jeremy discuss: how fully gay-affirming Chrisitianity is going to be a matter of decades or a century, how Chrisitianty is about loving people as they are, the religious roots of anti-gay sentiment, Jeremy's deconstruction from Evangelical lies about gays, and seeking...
Jun 26, 2023
In part 1 of this multi-part series, Miyanovich lays out the framing and joins Reverend Tony Jones for a discussion on: there is no such thing as a progressive religious reality, how religion is dying in the West, how religion in America loses every cultural fight it tries to win, why churches draw the line at "The...
Jun 25, 2023
In Part 2 of this 2 part series, Miyaovich and the Rabbi talk about: "thoughts and prayers" and how using prayer to get things is basically childish bullshit...how prayer has shown throughout history that it has no real ability to stop bad things, how too many liberals persist in the behavior of wanting an improved...
Jun 22, 2023
In Part 1 if this 2 part series, Miyanovich and the Rabbi break new ground with this unprecedented discussion about human negatives and "The Devil." What part of the concept is helpful? What part of the concept is horseshit? Do our existing institutions and ideas have the ability to adequately explain or stop human...
Jun 20, 2023
In part 2 of this 2 part series, Miyanovich and Padovani keep the reality-based training train rolling as they talk about: how important it is to be able to defend without guns, how very-online gun people tend to live in a world of zero body awareness, how extremist threats towards the marginalized screams for...