Jan 23, 2023
Iconic actor and entertainer Sir Oliver Reed presents the new commercial for Stormstrang Armory's proprietary grip technology: Scheisse Zone. High-sway beaver cut, anodized fluted extendo, checkering that delivers unprecedented skin cell bonding, and stabilized resting heart rate capacity are all wrapped inside...
Jan 20, 2023
In this first 2023 sampling of Morning Tea and Brass Miyanovich goes long and cuts deep into the trauma of his upbringing and the realities of what it is like when you combine dangerous, dysfunctional people with gun ownership...an unfortunate yet regular reality in this country. Miyanovich at his most raw and honest....
Jan 19, 2023
In the first episode of the 2023 season Miyanovich premieres his new yerba mate joint: "Put 5 in the Kitty." Reminding everyone that $5 can go a long way for the podcast and for LGO501c4. Song written and produced by Miyanovich. All voices: Miyanovich. Instrumental track is "Serious Funkin' Business" by Jon Presstone....