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The most comprehensive podcast about the relationship between humans and firearms on planet Earth.

Aug 18, 2022

Miyanovich and Johnny Mac bring a new version of BatWhiz featuring Johnny's voice talents. Think about sending some of that Whiz to help the cause!! Produced by Miyanovich. Written by John McDaniel and Miyanovich. Voices are John McDaniel: Adam West / Bruce Wayne / Batman,...

Aug 17, 2022

In this seminal episode of Shreddin' Gunderp, Miyanovich and Murphy begin their analysis of the unending stream of dumb gun shit in online gun culture. This episode includes commentary on performative gun ownership, hobbiests only hobbying, guns being used for "look at me, look at me", and guns on social media being as...

Aug 15, 2022

Chris The Lion joins the LGO Lens Podcast with his new hit single: "What's the Matter with your Penis?"

Chris joins us in our continuing effort to raise small donations from an internet population that wants everything for free.

Cheese Whiz donations:

Click on "donate."

Song produced by...

Aug 7, 2022

Fighting dastardly forces is never free! Support LGO, old chum!! Just a little bit of cheese whiz every month!

Produced by: Miyanovich

All voices by Miyanovich: Himself, "Whispering-Masturbation" Adam West / Batman, the "Assey" Penguin, Catperson, Deadpool.

Music is "My Retro Detective" by...

Aug 7, 2022

Fighting dastardly forces is never free. Support LGO, old chum! Just a little bit of cheese whiz every month.

Produced by Miyanovich.

All voices by Miyanovich: "Whispering-Masturbation" Adam West / Batman, the "Assey" Penguin, Catperson, Michael Caine / Alfred, Christopher Walken / Max...