Nov 24, 2023
In the final part of this series, Miyanovich and Rossi discuss: the inclusion of mitigating the negatives into gun-owner mentality, how government employees are not set-up to succeed in their efforts, what would it really take to progress the gun paradigm permanently, finding good people, OSD's offer to help everyone...
Nov 24, 2023
In part 2 of this series, Miyanovich and Rossi discuss: the reality of guns in the Silicon Valley tech bubble, progress at the perimeter of guns being stymied by "black holes", guns being an unprecedented opportunity to change the world, and the difference between male gun owners who have to compromise and male gun...
Nov 18, 2023
In part 1 of this series, Miyanovich and Rossi talk about: the gensis of Open Source Defense (and their values), "coming out of the gun closet", the legacy of gun culture negatives, the emerging new paradigm, the realities of the internet, and solving problems by participating with people of all beliefs.
Nov 14, 2023
In the last part of this series, Miyanovich and Marean discuss: the human drive to advance projectile technology, the possibilities of a genetic basis for the Human-Weapon Relationship, Curtis' experience with a South African hallucinogenic plant, and Thomas Edison's free-association balls. :)
Nov 14, 2023
In part 2 of this series, Miyanovich and Marean discuss: how critical theoretical work takes years, the reality of increased conflict for coastal/riverine hunter-gatherers, the realities of weaponry stimulating progress, tribalism and pastoral conflict, and the effects of sea-levels declining from 190 - 135,000 years...